Every single year
I do this every single year. I stumble upon the newest Christmas displays (yes, yesterday in the back of the Target store, near the Halloween decorations, I found a whole aisle of boxed Christmas cards) and can't remember if I need cards.
I can't remember if I bought cards at the after Christmas sales last year. What usually happens is I buy them for next year, then when next year gets here I don't remember what I have, so I buy them again, resulting in a major surplus of cards. However, maybe last year I resisted buying them because of this whole surplus dilemma? Maybe. But I don't remember.
So, do I buy new cards now, while the selection is good, or wait until it's time to get all the Christmas paraphernalia out when December gets here? By then the selection will have been picked over. I'm very selective about my Christmas cards. They can't be cutesy, or too preachy. I prefer more of a winter type, happy holiday to all, season greetings genre, as opposed to religious or Santa themed cards.
I know you are saying to yourself, "Just go look, Augie. Go look through the Christmas boxes and see what you need". Well, that ain't gonna happen. It would involve a major effort, and I'm lazy.
If I was the Martha Stewart type, I'd have a notebook dedicated to holidays and would have noted in the Christmas section what I purchased in 2004 and what I need to purchase in 2005. But that would involve being organized, and I am not organized. Or dedicated.
And I'd probably lose the notebook anyway.
Well, for sure I am NOT going to be sending Christmas cards, surplus or not, to the damn spammers.
Actually, if you were the Martha Stewart type, you would make your own cards. And in your little book? You would have notations regarding which card you sent to which person on your list, when you sent it, if they sent you a card, what type of card they sent you, and whatever comments were written on the card.
I usually buy a box of cards, and then forget to mail them. I also try not to send the same card the following year. But a lot of times, I can't remember what I sent. Do you think people pay attention to that? I mean, would someone actually notice if I sent them the same card two years in a row?
I always buy them when they're on sale in January, but by the time I go to use them, the sticky crap on the envelope flap has sealed itself to the envelope, and it is ruined.
damn Michigan humidity....
Carey -- LOL! You made me *snort*
Arkie -- yes, people pay attention to the cards they receive. For three years in a row I received the same exact card from a former boss. I'm looking forward to seeing if she sends the same card this year.
Rose -- The humidity is awful here, too. My Christmas stuff is in the basement, and we run the dehumidifier, but there is always something that manages to get ruined between Christmases.
Go to the shed. Open the eleventy billion Christmas boxes. Find the cards you bought FIVE EFFING YEARS AGO at the after Christmas sales and send them. Try not to buy any new cards for the next three years and use up the stock already!
Oh, wait...I meant to say that..umm..no one would know what you're talking about Augie.
*looks around innocently*
I have a lot of cards stocked up. I save the cards that I received from the previous year. I would notice if somebody sent me the same card two years in a row so I assume that everybody would. Basically I have a lot of cards in stock that I can't use because I'm afraid people will notice that it's the same card from last year. But I'm thinking, this year, I'm not sure that I'll care. So...Use the cards you have. Yes. That's my advice.
*struts in* I will be making my own Christmas cards this year. *big grin*
*runs out*
LOL. I do the same thing Augie. Every year, I wait until the local pet store puts their cards on sale. I wait until they are 75% off and buy a bunch. Then when it comes time to send cards out, I forget where I put the ones I bought and buy more. Also, sometimes when I have the urge to buy more cards, I don't, thinking I already have tons at home. Then, when it's time to send cards out, I have none.
Go buy them. One can never have too many cards, especially if they are on sale. You can always use them the following year. Or, send them to me cause I may not have any LOL.
And what would a card be without your uber cursive handwriting.
People do pay attention to the cards. DH is like you Augie, he likes the winter scenes, etc. But since I've taken over all of the card chores, I've been picking them out lately. I usually just buy what calls out to me.
This year I think I'm going with a Conner theme.
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