The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Not only is it summertime (the best season), but the stores are stocked with *squeal of joy* SCHOOL SUPPLIES! Those who know me know I LOVE LOVE LOVE school supplies. I could spend hours in an Office Depot or Staples. I went to Target yesterday and spent a good deal of time in their Back to School section. Oh, the joy!
I found the best freakin' Post-it Notes. I got a pack of round Post-it Notes with a drawing of a monkey on it. It says "good monkey" which we all know is silly -- monkeys are not good. They fling crap and are cranky and have fleas. *looks at Gus* But I digress. I also got a second pack of round monkey Post-its, but this monkey is scowling. I call this one "Gus in Trouble". I am taking Gus in Trouble to work so I can write on his face and slap him on my case files and computer monitor with very important notes on it like "don't forget dry cleaning". Also got a cute little cube of mini Post-its in neon green, purple, and blue. This is also going to work with me.
I think I am the only government worker in the world who will buy her own office supplies. Everyone else complains about the cheap pens and flimsy notebooks and lack of pencils, but won't buy spend $3.00 for a pen that works, or $1.00 for a pack of 10 pencils that will last for years. I happily go to the store and buy my own high quality pens, mechanical pencils, sturdy notebooks with nifty side pockets, neon Post-its, and the really cool dryline white out (not that smelly liquid goop crap that smears and glops all over the place).
I could go on and on about my love for school supplies, but the morning paper came and there is a big Back to School sale going on at Kohl's. I have to check, but I'm pretty sure I'll need a new bookbag. And I can't find my compass or protractor, or my rounded safety scissors. My bottle of rubber cement is all gummed up and gluey, so I'll need a new one.
And where on earth is my Elmer's glue? Ooooo! Highlighters! I definitely need new highlighters.
*snort* Monkey post-its. LMAO
You are so cute with your school and office supplies. I would love to see you if you won a shopping spree at Office Depot. I can just picture you running up and down the aisles throwing stuff in your basket like a mad woman.
When I hit the lottery, I am going to allow you a 1 hour shopping spree at the office store of your choice.
And hey? I noticed uner your favorite music that you curiously left out the Goo Goo Dolls. Did something happen? Is Johnny Goo Goo on the outs? I need to know.
Monkey post-it notes????? I have got to get to staples. I definitely don't get out enough. All these wonderful office supplies, I had no idea. I do have the neon post-it note pads. I can't live without them. I also need new highlighter too. I love my post-it notes and highlighters.
P.S. Someone else here has already taken my name, Deonna. I just don't know what to do for a name now other than Anonymous.
Carey - It's so funny you mentioned the Goo Goo Dolls because I was running errands this morning and it occured to me I forgot to list them in my favorite music. And no! Johnnie Goo Goo is not on the outs. Never. Ever. I lurve him way too much. *drool* Did you know the CD you gave me has a DVD of their concert and at one point it starts to rain? Well, imagine that sexy guy all wet. *sigh* *lust* *sigh*
And Woo to the Hoo on my 5 hour shopping spree. ;-) Thanks!
Deonna - How dare someone take your name! They need to give it back. :-) Or! You could call yourself "the real Deonna". Or, "#1 Deonna". Or, "Deonna the Traveler".
*smoooch* to the both of you.
I saw that monkey slam, beach chick. And I am not pleased. Not pleased in the least bit.
I don't think that is really you, Monsty. I think Gus is posting under your name.
I'm alerting the Blog Police.
Yes dear, I did know it had a DVD on it too. Why do you think I bought it. *rolls eyes*
You need more of those mini Sharpies too. *grin*
Pen Ho.
*giggle* Only you could give such a detailed account of your shopping trip to OD. :-)
Office Depot is cool. They now sell scrapbooking stuff there also.
Glowie - I definitely need more mini-Sharpies!
Breezy - Pen Ho? Takes one to know one. *smooch* and *poke*
Nookie - It was actually Target, but expect a detailed Office Depot report in the near future. *grin*
Bravie - *noogie*
Nice blog. Mind if I pull up a chair?
Oh, it was Target. Even better. I LOVE shopping at Target!
My Mom was the same way about office supplies. She could spend forever picking out the perfect pack of pens. I can remember as a kid when she would take us to the Stationary store, it was fun for about 10 minutes, but Mom would be in there for hours. When she first discovered Post-its she was in heaven. A good pen would make her so happy.
We're getting the Kiddo her school supplies this weekend.
Oh and I bought a spiral last wek that says " LunchLadies ROCK" on the front. Cracked me up!
You know the others are just jealous of your amazing organizational skills!
I have a drawer full of highlighters that I would offer to give you, but I don't want to deprive you of a trip to Staples!
Time for a new post please. And I just went over to OT to play for a bit...where is everyone? Are we now sticking to blogs?
Augie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I might legally change Gus's name to Mo-Jo. I would need your signature, of course.
Buggy! Goth! HD! Welcome to my boring world.
Monsty - you cannot change Gus' name. He is named after me, remember? Sheesh.
Hi Augie, miss you heaps and bunches! Did you get a post card recently? I still have some to write on, all stamped and addressed and everything, and I haven't had time lately but I was sure I sent one your way.
You are so loved and adored.....
Hmmmmm. Now I need Post-it notes. And highlighters. Thanks augie, now I have an air-conditioned destination for after lab. :)
Hiya Augie! I found you on Knockers blog and had to stop in and say hello.
*happy school supply dance*
I? used to work at Staples. Are you jellus?
I also share your love for office supplies, which is why I wanted to work there in the first place. The fun wears off though. Heh.
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